Ink Scalp Goddess

SMP repair

A botched SMP job by an untrained professional may cause serious damage to your appearance. Through our SMP repair service, we can help you return to your pre-procedure look.

SMP repair can usually be completed within a few sessions, helping you to return to your pre-procedure look in minimal time.
The treatment is affordable and costs much less than a complete hair transplant.
Only organic and natural pigments that are often plant-based only are used, making the treatment safe.
SMP Repair
Scalp Micropigmentation Scar Repairing
Hair transplant scars are the cause of anxiety and depression in millions of men and women who have had their hair transplant surgeries to get their hair back. But even after the most advanced hair transplant treatments, hair loss cannot be treated permanently and therefore many people decide to go for further surgeries to deal with the stubborn issue of hair loss.

As a result of this, the scarring and scar tissue can become even more significant and of course, and more visible as the hair becomes thin with time. Eventually, a point comes when scars become so obvious that they have to opt for cosmetic makeup or temporary concealer products to conceal the ugly-looking scars, which is just a temporary solution.

One of the permanent solutions to get rid of these scars and make your scalp completely look normal is scalp micropigmentation scar repair. In this procedure, pigments are deposited evenly on the scalp to create an illusion of fuller hair, and reduce the visible scarring. The SMP Scalp Micropigmentation procedure produces immediate results and scars become significantly less visible right after the first session.

Different Types Of Scalp Scars

There are three major types of scars that patients have on their scalp depending upon the surgical treatment that they have undergone:
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is a hair transplant procedure that involves surgical removal of a strip of scalp that has hair from the donor region after which grafts are removed from the strip and grated onto the areas of the scalp that do not have hair. The strip of the scalp is usually removed from the back of the head which then requires the area to be sutured together as a result of which a linear scar is formed.
FUE which is an abbreviation for Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair transplant procedure that involves harvesting individual hair grafts from the areas of your scalp where hair exists and eventually transplanting those grafts to those areas where you have thin hair. Since it is an invasive procedure therefore it results in scarring as any other surgical procedure. The scars being caused by FUE depend on the size of the FUE punch used by the surgeon and the healing capacity of the client. A client can get a number of tiny scars from FUE surgery, which becomes more visible with short hair.
Scalp reduction surgery is yet another procedure used to treat hair loss in men and women. This procedure moves skin on your scalp that has hair to conceal areas that do not have hair. As the name suggests the skin of the scalp is pulled up and stitched together to cover the baldness especially top hair baldness, which results in scarring.
Ready to remove your scalp scars?
If you are facing any forms of scalp scars that are highly visible, contact Ink Scalp Goddess today! We can get the scars covered in no time.

Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation Scar Repairing

There are a number of reasons why scar micropigmentation or scalp micropigmentation is the best solution for scalp scar repair, some of which are:
It does not require any surgical treatment to camouflage the scar; rather it is based on coloring the scar to make it look like a line of hair follicles.
In this procedure pigments are not penetrated deep into the skin allowing the breathing space for new hair that may grow in the future.
It does not leave any side effects and does not cause any harm to the skin of the scalp.
It is a permanent solution to cover the ugliest scars and you do not have to make trips to the clinic over and over again.
It gives a natural and genuine look like the hair color of the patient is first fully examined with the help of trichoscopy to use the pigments that are closest to the color of the skin and hair.
It is affordable and gives immediate results.
It is a pain-free procedure.
It does not cause any further scars that may need to be taken care of.
This procedure does not require any maintenance after it has been done.
This procedure does not require any maintenance after it has been done.
It does not have any recovery time and you do not have to take time off your college or work.
The procedure of scalp micropigmentation can be customized.
It is better than a traditional tattoo.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, scalp micropigmentation does not promote hair growth. However, it will give you the look of a shaved head or a tight buzz-cut. The tiny dots of pigments will cover the white scars and they will no longer be visible to anyone; rather they will merge with the rest of the hair giving you a natural look.
No, the results of SMP are so natural that it cannot be easily detected. If your practitioner is an expert then he will use the perfect match pigment for your scalp and hair so that the resulted follicles perfectly match the already existing hair strands giving you a natural and undetectable look.
No, hairs do not grow on a scar as there are no hair follicles in scar tissue. Hairs grow at the bottom of hair follicles which are capsules beneath the skin responsible for holding hairs. Hair follicles are dependent on blood vessels under them for growth and regeneration, however, when a scar is formed on a damaged scalp, the hair follicles do not grow back.

It is due to the fact that scars are made up of thick fibrous tissues known as collagen and the formation of collagen doesn’t leave any room for hair follicles, or even blood vessels.
No, tricopigmentation and scalp pigmentation are two different procedures used for concealing different types of scars on the scalp. Tricopigmentation or TMP is a temporary form of SMP, which uses semi-permanent ink as it deposits the ink or pigment into the top layer of the scalp. The results of tricopigmentation last from six months to three years, whereas the results of scalp pigmentation last much longer for up to 7 years.
No, the pigment used in hair tattoos is permanent. It is not like ordinary tattoo ink and does not include any added colorants or additives, which is why it can only lighten and will not discolor over an extended period of time.
It is recommended to avoid sweating for at least a week after your scalp micropigmentation treatment. It is due to the fact that during the healing process, the scalp must be clean and dry.

There are a number of factors that you need to consider before making a decision from where you will get your SMP treatment done, such as:

  • Experience and qualification of the practitioner who will perform the procedure.
  • Portfolio of results and reviews of the clients.
  • Hygiene and safety practices followed in the clinic where the procedure will be performed.

Additionally, it is always recommended to visit the clinic and have a consultation with the practitioner to ask about the details of the procedure so that you are clear in your head that you have made the right choice.

Scalp tattooing is different from ordinary tattooing in many ways such as:

  • Only black ink is used for scalp tattooing which is much more diluted than the ordinary tattoo ink. The reason behind using black ink is that it will not break down to different colors or it will not look too saturated after the tattoo has healed.
  • In the scalp tattoo procedure, the pointillism method is used to make small microdots, unlike ordinary tattooing in which drawing and shading are done.
  • In the scalp tattoo procedure, the pigment is put into the skin at a shallower depth as compared to ordinary tattoos.
Concerned about your scalp’s appearance?
Scalp scars and hair loss can leave many concerned about how they look. We have considerable experience in handling such cases. Call us now and book your consultation.
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